
Outdoor Education is very important in the development of students' self-esteem, social and life skills. It can form a major part of the school's pastoral care program, and is often a catalyst for the development of good relationships amongst a year group - and, indeed, between teachers and students. When finishing school, most students will have fond memories of a school camp they had somewhere with their friends.

We really value the time that we can spend with students in these environments, and believe that it is a valuable part of any education. The joy that we see in students, and the way we see students develop self-esteem and pride in their achievements, are all things that contribute towards us loving what we do.



We can conduct a tailor-made Outdoor Education program for your school at a number of different locations. The program will be designed with specific outcomes in mind. These outcomes will be developed in consultation with the Year Patron and school. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and ability to achieve these desired outcomes through our camps.

While students are away on camp, they are often involved in activities that are out of their normal comfort zone. It is important that staff are kind, caring, and genuinely interested in the life of a student. This is where Boomerang Adventures stands apart. Boomerang Adventures can tailor a whole-school progressive program, where one camp leads and builds on the previous year's program; or it can run one year group that fits in with the overall outdoor education goals of the school.



Boomerang Adventures offers a range of Outdoor Education options. Our camps are fun-filled, and designed to challenge and develop the individual. Outdoor Education is a great way to teach your students about life.

Our camps are able to cater for activities such as abseiling, canoeing, hiking, flying fox, rock climbing, archery, caving, BMX and mountain bike riding.

We also offer specialised city camps, which are a different and unique experience. On these camps, we focus on homelessness as well as city exploration. Students actually sleep out (in a totally controlled environment), and experience what it is like to be on the streets. This is usually a life-changing experience. We also do a number of different activities in and around the city, and the camp finishes with an 'amazing race', which is always a real highlight.



When working with Boomerang Adventures, you will have an allocated person dealing directly with your school. Someone who understands what you want to achieve through your Outdoor Education program. Staff from your school will have direct contact with a Boomerang Adventures staff member, so questions can be asked at any time and responded to quickly and efficiently.

We will get most aspects of the camp arranged for you, including a full and comprehensive risk assessment on all activities to be conducted. We can even organise transport to and from the venue. We understand the time constraints teachers face, and really go out of our way to make the whole process of organising a program much easier.